How to use classes in Python

Classes are a way of grouping related data and functions together. In Python, classes are created using the class keyword.

To create a class, you must provide a name and any attributes the class should have. Attributes are variables that belong to the class and are used to store data.

Once the class is created, you can create objects that are instances of the class. These objects can be used to access the data and functions associated with the class.

For example, if you have a class called Person, you could create objects such as John, Mary, and Jack that are instances of the Person class. Each of these objects would have access to the data and functions associated with the Person class.

To access the data and functions associated with a class, you must use dot notation. For example, if you wanted to access the name of the Person object John, you would use the syntax This would return the name of the Person object John.

You can also create methods, which are functions that belong to a class. These methods can be used to perform actions on the data associated with the class. For example, if you wanted to create a method to calculate the age of the Person object John, you could create a method called calculate_age and pass in the current year as an argument. This method could then use the current year and the birth year of the Person object John to calculate the age.