How to use the PyGObject library in Python

PyGObject is a Python package that provides bindings for GObject based libraries such as GTK, GStreamer, WebKitGTK, GLib, GIO and many more. It is a part of the GNOME project and is used to create desktop applications with a graphical user interface (GUI).

1. Install PyGObject
Before you can use the PyGObject library, you need to install it. The easiest way to do this is to use the pip command:

pip install PyGObject

2. Import PyGObject
Once you have installed PyGObject, you need to import it in your Python program. This can be done using the following statement:

import gi

3. Initialize PyGObject
Before you can use any of the functions or classes provided by PyGObject, you need to initialize it. This can be done using the following statement:

gi.require_version(‘Gtk’, ‘3.0’)

4. Create a Window
Once you have initialized PyGObject, you can start creating a window. This can be done using the Gtk.Window class provided by the library. The following code snippet shows how to create a simple window:

window = Gtk.Window()
window.set_title(„My Window”)
window.connect(„destroy”, Gtk.main_quit)

5. Run the Application
Once you have created the window, you need to run the application. This can be done using the Gtk.main() function provided by the library. The following code snippet shows how to run the application:


After running the application, you should see the window you have created. You can now start adding widgets and other elements to the window to create a complete application.