How to use the PyPDF2 library in Python

PyPDF2 is a Python library that can be used to manipulate PDF files. It provides tools for creating, merging, splitting, cropping, and extracting text from PDFs.

1. Install the PyPDF2 library

The PyPDF2 library can be installed using pip, a package manager for Python. To do this, open a terminal window and type in the following command:

pip install PyPDF2

2. Import the PyPDF2 library

Once the library is installed, you can import it into your Python program. To do this, add the following line of code to your program:

import PyPDF2

3. Create a PDF object

To create a PDF object, you need to open a PDF file. To do this, use the open() method of the PyPDF2 library. This method takes the file path of the PDF file as an argument.

For example, if the file is called “example.pdf” and is located in the current directory, you can use the following code to open it:

pdf_file = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(open(‘example.pdf’, ‘rb’))

4. Manipulate the PDF file

Once the PDF file is opened, you can use the various methods of the PyPDF2 library to manipulate the file. For example, you can use the extractText() method to extract text from the PDF file.

You can also use the mergePage() method to combine two PDF files, the cropPage() method to crop a page, and the splitPage() method to split a page.

5. Save the manipulated PDF file

Once you have manipulated the PDF file, you can save it using the write() method of the PyPDF2 library. This method takes the file path of the output file as an argument.

For example, if you want to save the manipulated PDF file as “output.pdf” in the current directory, you can use the following code:

output_file = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter()

output_file.write(open(‘output.pdf’, ‘wb’))